Pleasure Beach Blackpool in GB
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onride UK-Tour 2004 Übersicht über das Event
Tag 1 - Drayton Manor
Tag 2 - Alton Towers
Tag 3 - Flamingoland
Tag 3 - Lightwater Valley
Tag 4 - Blackpool Pleasure Beach
Tag 5 - Oakwood
Tag 6 - Thorpe Park
Tag 7 - Chessington
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Blackpool - The History of the Pleasure Beach
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Deutschland . NW
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Link zum Beitrag #69375 Verfasst am Freitag, 16. Juli 2004 15:57
Zitat The History & Background of Blackpool Pleasure Beach

“We wanted to found an American style Amusement Park, the fundamental principal of which is to make adults feel like children again and to inspire gaiety of a primarily innocent character”
W.G. Bean – Founder of Blackpool Pleasure Beach

Blackpool Pleasure Beach is a family owned company. The Pleasure Beach as we know it today was founded by William George Bean in 1896 who, in conjunction with a partner, John Outhwaite, bought the 42 acre site on which the Pleasure Beach now stands. Prior to this there had been a small fairground at South Shore consisting of a few roundabouts, a switchback railway and some resident gypsies.

W.G. Bean introduced a mechanical ride from America, where he had lived and from whence came the inspiration to build an American-style Amusement Park. To this end he travelled extensively, bringing new rides and ideas to the Pleasure Beach. The still popular Noah’s Ark and Sir Hiram Maxim Flying Machines are two of his attractions which still survive today. The First World War curtailed further development of the site until 1921 when it became possible to import new rides from the USA. Before he died in 1929 he had established the Pleasure Beach as one of Blackpool’s greatest attractions.

When in 1929 W.G. Bean was succeded by his son-in-law Leonard Thompson, the Thompson family gained complete control of the Company and there followed a period of expansion, including the building of the then futuristic Casino, recently known as the Wonderful World Building. The decade also saw the introduction of many new rides, including the Rollercoaster, the Pleasure Beach Express and the world famous twin track coaster, the Grand National.

The Second World War once again put a temporary halt to progress, although Leonard Thompson said “Entertainment is about the only commodity that isn’t rationed”. During the war years the Pleasure Beach remained open all year round, enabling thousands of evacuees and service personnel to escape the reality of war for a short while. An R.A.F. detachment was housed under canvas on the site and parts of Wellington Bombers were manufactured in the workshops.

After the war the Company continued to prosper. The 1960’s saw a resurgence of development projects and it was at this time that Britain’s first commercial Monorail was built at the Pleasure Beach, and several new rides – The Monster, The Astro Swirl and The Log Flume were introduced. Geoffrey Thompson became Managing Director of the Company in 1976, following the death of his father Leonard, whilst Mrs. L. D. Thompson MBE became Chairman. It was under this leadership that exciting new rides were added, including the spectacular 360 degree rollercoaster The Revolution, and the UK’s only bobsleigh ride – The Avalanche.

Blackpool Pleasure Beach has been consistently profitable and these profits have been re-invested in new rides and the development and upgrading of the Park. In 1990 the exterior of the grounds were re-designed and a brand new Edwardian style cosmopolitan shopping complex created along the Promenade – Ocean Boulevard.

1994 saw the biggest investment to date with the opening of the Pepsi Max Big One, the world’s tallest fastest rollercoaster. This was followed in 1995 with a 2 million pounds investment to create a brand new cabaret and hospitality venue, The Paradise Room, showing once again the commitment of the Thompsons to provide world beating quality rides and entertainment. 1997 saw the launch of an another UK first – the 210 foot 2 million pounds Playstation – The Ride.

Staff have always played an important part in development of the Pleasure Beach and the family theme is evident in the numbers of husbands, wives and children who have worked for the company over the years. This together with careful selection and training, have provided a workforce second to none who have by their efforts made the Pleasure Beach one of the safest Amusement Parks in the World.

The Company has also associated Amusement Parks at Frontierland, Morecambe and Pleasureland, Southport and operates a Consultancy Company under the name of B.L.A.C.

PR Information seitens des Blackpool Pleasure Beach
ca. 1998

Der S & S - Turm hat vor/in (?) 2000 seinen Sponsor getauscht. Aus "Playstation - the Ride" wurde aktuell "Ice Blast - the Ride"

Das Frontierland in Morecambe wurde seitdem geschlossen.
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